- make a frenzied counterattack; a desperate counterattack
- 疯狂: insane frenzied; unbridled
- 反扑: pounce on sb. again after be ...
- 反扑: pounce on sb. again after being beaten off; attack in retaliation; launch a counteroffensive to retrieve lost ground 打退敌人一次又一次的反扑 repulse the repeated counterattacks of the enemy
- 偏执狂反应: paranoid reaction
- 疯狂: 1.(发疯) insane2.(猖狂) frenzied; unbridled 疯狂叫嚣 frenzied clamouring; 疯狂掠夺 unbridled plunder; 疯狂病 whirling disease; 疯狂即兴爵士乐 be-bop; 疯狂摇滚乐 acid rock