留意: be careful; look out; keep o ...最后: last; final; ultimate畀: give; confer丧: lose尸: corpse; dead body; remains吓: frighten; scare; intimidate的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...丧尸: voodoo; zombie留意: be careful; look out; keep one's eyes open; regard; fix 算帐得专心, 一不留意就爱出错。 you must pay careful attention when doing accounts. you're likely to make errors if you're not careful丧尸粉: zombiepowder射丧尸: de-animator惊吓的: feeling great horror or dismay terrified horrified; scared恐吓的: in alarm; intimidatory威吓的: comminatoryminacious; minacious作最后决定的人: she is the one who calls the shots不留意: careless负责,留意: look to介意,留意: mind留心,留意: keean eye on留意,观察: keean eye on留意到: advert留意的: advertent留意地: alertly; attentively没留意: not paying attention