留: remain; stay林地: forest land; woodland; timbe ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...梢头: the tip of a branch top log木: tree梢头木: tip wood; top stem; tops枝梢头木: top-end-lop枝桠梢头木: top-and-lop生长于林地: silvicolous梢头: 1.(树枝的顶端 ) the tip of a branch2.[林学] top log于林: guerin; gylling; julling; juring; urun居住于丛林地的人: bushman头木: basal trunk居留于: stick 2林地: forest land; woodland; timberland; forestry; holt; [坦桑尼亚] miombo梢头材: head log; top log; top wood; topwood瑟于林: soyring于林迪: urundu于林根: uhlingen于林基: jyrinki停留于此: here to stay地的: terraneous梢头[端]直径, 顶径: top diameter梢头直径: top diameter截头木: pollard