This types of syndrome is mostly seen in patients with weak constitutions or in the later stage of a disease and in different kinds of chronic cases , marked by lassitude , pallid complexion , palpitation , short breath , spontaneous perspiration , night sweat feverish sensation in the chest , palms and soles or aversion to cold , cold extremities , feeble pulse , etc 这一类型的证候大多出现于体弱的病人、疾病的晚期和各种慢性病中,症见神疲体倦,面容憔悴,心悸气短,自汗,盗汗,五心烦热,畏寒肢冷,脉虚无力等。
畏: fear肢: limb冷: cold形寒肢冷: chillness and cold limbs; coldness of the body and limbs畏寒: aversion to cold; chilly sensation; cold intolerance; fear to cold; intolerance of coldness恶寒,畏寒: aversion to cold脉微肢冷: faint pulse and cold exteemitite; faint pulse and cold extremities; faintpulseandcoldextremities; feeble pulse and cold extremities上肢冷麻: cold pain of the upper limbs上肢冷痛: cold pain of upper limbs畏寒谷物: winter tender grain畏寒品种: tender variety畏寒腰酸: intolerance of cold and soreness of the loins畏寒植物: frigofuge下肢冷麻: cold in the lower limbs; cold on the lower limbs四肢冷却,肠出血: enterrhgia畏忌: have scruples; fear; dread畏敬: dread; fear畏惧: fear; awe; dread 无所畏惧 be fearless; 使某人畏惧 inspire a man with awe; 当他被带到法官面前时, 他有一种畏惧感。 he had a feeling of awe as he was taken before the judge畏惧, 敬畏: be struck with awe畏光症: photophobia