男生: man student; schoolboy殖: breed; grow; multiply系统: system结核: tuberculosis; consumption; p ...泌尿性男生殖系统结核: tuberculosis of male genito utinory system生殖系统结核: genital tuberculosis泌尿生殖系统结核: tuberculosis of genitourinary system男生殖系统感染: infection of the genitourinary system男生殖系统肿瘤: tumors of the genitourinary tract男生殖系统的其他疾病: other diseases of the male genitourinary system男生殖系统先天性畸形: congenital anomaly of the male urogenital system生殖系结核: tuberculosis of genital system雌生殖系统: female genital system; female reproductive system内生殖系统: endo-rproductive system生殖系统: germinal system; reproductive system (genital system); reproductivesystem; reprodutive system; systema genitale; the reproductive / genital system呼吸系统结核: respiratory tuberculosis消化系统结核: tuberculosis of digestive system泌尿男生殖系白斑病: leukoplokia of male genito-utinary system泌尿男生殖系软斑病: malakoplakia of male genito-urinary system泌尿生殖系结核: genito-urinary tuberculosis雌性生殖系统, 女性生殖系统: female reproductive system雄性生殖系统, 男性生殖系统: male reproductive system雌性生殖系统: female repro ductive system; female reproductive system泌尿生殖系统: systema urogenitale; urinogenital system; urogenital system男性生殖系统: male genital system; male reproductive system; male reprodustive system; reproductive system, male