男: man; male不: a block of wood男女: men and women男不男,女不女: neither fish,flesh nor fowl不男不女: to look neither like a woman nor a man; effeminate man; manly woman不男不女的: aoderogynous男女不均衡: gender asymmetry五不女: five female congenital defects; the five types of female sterility五不男: five male congenital defects; the five types of male sterility犍不男: a eunuch by castration cf. paaka男女: men and women 不分男女 irrespective of sex; 男女混合双打 mixed double; 男女青年 young men and women好男不当兵: kein bund fuers leben好女不愁嫁: a widow’s romance妇女不算年轻了: of a certain age好女不穿嫁时衣: good daughters don't wear clothes from their own homes after they marry哪个少女不多情: emotional girl狗男女: go男女藏: omezo男女川: omegawa般的美女不然就是高大: ingrid bergman男女比率,男女比例: m-f包括男女的: cock-and-hen不分男女: irrespective of sex都会性男女: choses secrè; secret things都市男女: city men and city momen