

发音:   用"电视预告"造句
  • spot tv
  • 电视:    television; T.V.; teevee
  • 预告:    announce in advance; herald
  • 预告:    1.(事先通告) announce in advance; herald 预告春天的到来 herald the coming of spring; 预告明天有雨 predict rain for tomorrow; 据预告, 该书正在编写中。 the book was announced in preparation.2.(事先的通告) advance notice 新书预告 notice on forthcoming books; books in preparation
  • 黑视预防:    blackout prevention
  • 斜视预防:    orthopia


  1. Tokyo ( ap ) ? it ' s still beyond the reach of science to predict exactly when an earthquake will strike , but japan will soon get the next - best thing ? televised warnings that come before anyone feels the ground shake
    对于地震的准确预测还有待研究,但日本将会启用目前最好的一种? ?在所有人感到地震之前通过电视预告


        电视:    television; T.V.; teevee
        预告:    announce in advance; herald
        预告:    1.(事先通告) announce in advance; herald 预告春天的到来 herald the coming of spring; 预告明天有雨 predict rain for tomorrow; 据预告, 该书正在编写中。 the book was announced in preparation.2.(事先的通告) advance notice 新书预告 notice on forthcoming books; books in preparation
        黑视预防:    blackout prevention
        斜视预防:    orthopia
        视预固结压力:    virtual pre-consolidation pressure
        警报,预告:    warn
        警告;预告:    warn
        通知;预告:    give notice
        预告,事先:    in advance (before in time); in advance(before in time)
        预告标:    warning signs for approaching a station
        预告的:    premonitory
        预告片:    prevue; trailer;preview; trailor
        预告者:    predictor; premonitor
        预言,预告:    predicted
        国际近视预防中心:    international myopia prevention centre
        电视:    television; t.v.; teevee 看电视 watch tv; watch television; 彩色电视 colour television; colour tv; 黑白电视 black-and-white television [tv]; 立体电视 stereoscopic television; 双向电视 the two-way television; 总统向全国作了电视讲话。 the president spoke to the whole nation on television.; 电视伴音 (tv) sound [aural]; 电视伴音分离设备 (tv) sound-vision separator; 电视伴音合成设备 (tv) sound-vision combiner; 电视保险 television insurance; 电视报告文学 tv reportage; 电视编码器 television encoder; 电视变换器 television converter; “电视病”televitis; television disease; 电视播送 (tv) airing; 电视播送室 (tv) studio; 电视播送影片 film pick-up; 电视布景涂料 telechrome; 电视差转机 tv translator; tv transposer; 电视采访 television interview; 电视采访摄像-发射机 portable eye-witness report transmitter; 电视餐 tv dinner; 电视场帧 [讯] television field frame; 电视唱片 video disc; 电视车 tv jeep; television car; 电视传播 photovision relaying; 电视传输网 tv transmission network; 电视传送 telecasting; 电视传送电影术 telecinematography; 电视传真 confravision; television facsimile; 电视传真报纸 telepaper; 电视传真电报 ultrafax; 电视大学 tv university; 电视等级 [讯] grade; 电视电话 [讯] picturephone; tv [visual] telephone; video-phone; videotelephone; phonovision; 电视电话机 television telephone set; video telephone; picturephone set; 电视电缆 camera cable; 电视电路 television circuit; 电视电影 telecine; rediomovies; 电视发射机 [电子学] picture [video; television; visual] transmitter; 电视发射台 television transmitting station; 电视发射天线 television transmitting antenna; 电视放像机 videoplayer; 电视放映机 television projector; 电视服务 television service; 电视干扰 television interference; image interference; 电视高速传真 ultra fax; 电视歌剧 television opera; tv opera; 电视跟踪 tv tracking; 电视工程 television engineering; 电视工作者 teletrician; 电视公用天线 master community antenna; community antenna; 电视观众 televiewer; viewer; 电视广播 television broadcasting [broadcast]; telecast; videocast; faxcasting; 电视广播稿 telescript; 电视广播剧 teleplay; 电视广播台 tv broadcast station; 电视广播卫星 telecasting satellite; 电视广播系统 television broadcasting system; 电视广播员 telecaster; 电视广告 television advertising; 电视画面 fax; 电视黄金时间 tv prime time; 电视会议 teleconference; syncon; 电视机 tv set; television receiver; vision receiver; televisor; television set; 电视记者招待会 televised news conference; 电视监视接收机 television monitoring receiver; 电视讲话 speak on television; 电视讲座 telecourse; telelecture; 电视交通管制系统 tv traffic control system; 电视教程 tele-course; 电视接口 television interface; 电视接收 [电学] television reception; 电视接收机 [电子学] television receiver; picture receiver; radiotelevisor; teleset; televisor; vision receiver; 电视接收天线 television receiving antenna; 电视节目 tv program(me); telecast; telecasting; 电视节目监控器 tv program monitor;电视节目重播[电子学] video replay; 电视剧 teleplay; tv play; television drama; 电视剧本 telescript; 电视卡通设备 tv cartoon set; 电视控制中心 television control centre; 电视连续剧 tv serial; television serial; soap opera; tv play series; 电视录像 [电学] telerecording; television recording; 电视录像车 mobile tv recording unit; 电视迷 telefan; video fan; 电视片 telefilm; 电视频道 television channel; 电视屏幕 telescreen; 电视商业节目 commercial television program; 电视设备 television set; 电视摄像管 image-pickup tube; camera tube; electron image tube; pickup; 电视摄像机 telecamera; tv camera; television camera; 电视摄像系统 television pickup system; 电视摄像转播车 [讯] television pickup station; 电视摄影机 telecamera; emitron camera; 电视摄影器 video-unit; 电视设备 television equipment; 电视示波器 television oscilloscope; tv oscilloscope; 电视术语 televisionese; 电视塔 television tower; 电视台 [电学] television (broadcast) station; 电视讨论会 televised panel discussion; 电视天线 television antenna; 电视调谐器 tv tuner; 电视调制设备 television modulating equipment; 电视通信 tv and communications; 电视图像 television image; television picture; 电视卫星 telestar; 电视卫星中继 television relay by satellite; 电视文化 television culture; 电视文字广播 teletext; videotext; 电视系统 television system; 电视显示数据 viewdata; 电视显示系统 television display system; 电视显像管 television pictrue tube; 电视信号 television signal [emission]; 电视演播室 [讯] television studio; teletorium; telestudio; 电视演播室布景 abstract set; 电视演说 television address; 电视医疗 telemedicine; 电视医生 television doctor; 电视影片 telefilm; 电视游戏 video game; 电视侦察 television reconnaissance; 电视诊断 telediagnosis; 电视制导 tv guidance; 电视转播 [讯] [电学] telecast; television repeater; tv [photovision] relaying; 电视转播车 outside broadcast van; remote pickup unit; mobile television unit; 电视转播机 [电子学] television relay system; television repeater; picture repeater; 电视转播卫星 television transmission satellite
        【铁路】 预告信号。:    distant signal
        波方程预告:    wave equation prediction
        潮汐预告:    tidal prediction
        潮汐预告机:    tide-predicting machine
        潮汐预告器:    tide predictor
        带末端预告:    end of tape warning
        电影预告:    movie trailer
        电影预告片:    prevue


  1. "电视娱乐控制器"英文
  2. "电视与成像"英文
  3. "电视与电信公共研究中心"英文
  4. "电视与电子"英文
  5. "电视原理"英文
  6. "电视原声"英文
  7. "电视原声带"英文
  8. "电视云图"英文
  9. "电视杂志"英文


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