电视台: television broadcasting stat ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...固定: fixed; regular节目: program; item固定节目发送: fps fixed program send固定节目接受: fpr fixed program receive电视台或电台的早晨节目工作人员: dawn patrol固定节目伴随数据: f-pad fixed programme associated data电视台节目源同步: station synchronization华娱电视台(卫星节目): cetv固定节: fixed knot电台和电视台的广播技术: radio and television broadcasting technology中国中央电视台新闻节目: cctv news固定节流阀: fixed restrictive valve固定节流孔: fixed orifice电视台: live; ntv; sportswin; studio tv; tagesschau; television broadcast station; television channel; television station; tv station; tvbs〔美国〕(电台、电视台)非营业性独立节目。: sustaining programme才能在外地网上收看到梅州电视台节目: mztv荷兰电视台推出“丑人”约会节目遭恶评: dutch shocked at disfigurement dating show年中央电视台春节联欢晚会节目单: rtm管道的固定: fixing of pipes机翼的固定: wing fixing钾的固定: potassium fixation晶体的固定: crystal mounting磷的固定: phosphorus fixation