电磁: electromagnetism自动: voluntarily; of one's own ac ...预售: open to booking; advance boo ...装置: installation; device; appara ...柯达式电磁自动传送器: cotal planetary transmission with magnetic clutch自动预备接通装置: automatic transfer switch电磁自差: electromagnetic deviation电磁自导引: electromagnetic homing电磁自力: electromagnetic self-force磁自动同步机: magnesyn自动预调: automatic presetting自动预金机: ad (automatic depository)自动预览: automatic preview自动预磨机: automatic premilling machine自动预占: automatic camp-on自动预装载: auto pre-charge电磁自差补偿器: compensating device for electromagnetic deviation预售: open to booking; advance booking 预售车票 tickets open to booking; 所有的票将在3天前预售。 all bookings will be made 3 days in advance半自动预磨机: semi-automatic premilling machine自动预订系统: automated reservation system自动预置光圈: automatic pre-set aperture激磁自动同步机: exciter selsyn励磁自动同步机: exciter selsyn永磁自动同步机: magnesyn船载自动预报系统: automatic shipboard forecasting system