

发音:   用"电流供给"造句


        电流:    electric current
        供给:    supply; provide; furnish; fe ...
        载频电流供给装置:    common carrier current supply
        自流供给:    feed by gravity
        高电流供电:    high current power supplies
        供给:    supply; provide; furnish; feed; appoint; deliver 供给空气于燃烧区 combustion air inlet; 供给与需求自动均衡 automatic equilibrium of supply and demand; 发展经济, 保障供给。 develop the economy and ensure supplies.; 供给船 storeship; 供给品 supply; 供给食品 victual; 供给效率 efficiency of supply; 供给制 free supply system; supply on a maintenance basis; supply system
        恒流供氧:    constant-flow oxygen
        回流供应:    reflux supply
        集流供水:    collector pumping
        交流供电:    acs alternating current supply
        交流供电站:    ac power station
        交流供电制:    ac power supply system
        液流供料机:    flow machine
        直流供电:    dc supply; direct current supply; direct-current supply
        直流供电站:    dc power station
        直流供电制:    dc power supply system
        交流供电的灯:    a.c.powered lamp
        交流供电仪表:    main operated instrument
        天呈医流供应:    apoptosis marker
        直流供电电源:    power supply
        电流:    current; galvanic current; electric current; electricity; current flow◇电流保护装置 current protective device; 电流饱和 current saturation; 电流倍增 current multiplication; 电流测量 current measurement; 电流测量仪表 current instruments; 电流差动 current differential; 电流常数 current constant; 电流断路器 tie [line] breaker; 电流方向 sense of current; 电流放大器 current amplifier; 电流分配 current division; 电流消耗 current drain; 电流效率 current efficiency; 电流效率测定法 current efficiency determination method; mination method; 电流谐振 current resonance; 电流选择开关 current selected switch; 电流指示器 current indicator
        供给;补充;供给物:    supply
        车辆交直流供电:    ac-dc power supply for car
        单相三线交流供电:    single-phase three-line ac power supply
        交流供电接收机:    main operated receiver


  1. "电流感应法"英文
  2. "电流感应放大器"英文
  3. "电流感应输入"英文
  4. "电流隔离"英文
  5. "电流给定值"英文
  6. "电流管"英文
  7. "电流轨迹图"英文
  8. "电流过高"英文
  9. "电流过零点和电压过零"英文
  10. "电流过载"英文


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