The new positioning system which employs three geostationary satellites emitting radio signals to users just like the gps satellites do , and allows the users receiver to solve position based on the received radio signal as well as the reading of electronic map , the drawbacks of double - star navigation system are overcome 三颗同步导航卫星像gps卫星那样向用户播发导航电文,用户接收机根据这些导航电文信息以及电子地图高程数据,像gps接收机那样解算用户位置,从而克服了双星定位的两大缺陷。
电文: content of a telegram; messa information; message; news电文(报文信息)完整性: message integrity电文信号开始: start of text signal报文信息: message information水文信息: hydrographic message; hydrologic information正文信息: text message会文信息系统: imdis监文信息系统: imdis水文信息手册: infohydro manual英文信息审核: website information editor中文信息处理: chinese information processing; computer processing of chinese language中文信息系统: chinese news system中文信息学报: journal of chinese information processing中文信息学会: chinese information society东亚图文信息公司: east asia videotex information corp中文信息处理接口: cipi chinese information processing interface中文信息处理系统: chips chinese information processing system中文信息处理学会: chinese information processing society中文信息交换码: chinese character code for information interchange文信: fuminobu; noriakira电文: content of a telegram; message; text (of a telegram)◇电文交换 message switching交互式可视图文信息系统: highly interactive captical video information system水文信息查询服务处: hydrological information referral services现代汉字与中文信息处理: modern chinese characters and chinese information processing