- message text
- 电报: telegram; cable; telegraph; ...
- 正文: main body; text
- 正文: main body; text 词典正文 the main body of a dictionary; the dictionary proper; 书的正文 the text of a book
- 预报正反检验: forecast-reversal test
- 电报: telegram; cable; telegraph; message 打电报 send a telegram; dispatch a telegram; 传真电报 photo telegram; photo telegraph; photogram; facsimile telegraph; 公事电报 official telegram; 国际电报 international telegram; 国内电报 inland telegram; 国外电报 foreign cable; 加急电报 urgent telegram; express telegram; 密码电报 cipher telegram; 明码电报 plain code telegram; 书信电报 letter telegram; 无线电报 radiogram; radiotelegram; 无线电传真电报 photoradiogram; 新闻电报 press cable; 用户电报 teles; 有线电报 wire telegram; telegram; message; 电传打字电报 teletape; 译电报 decode a telegram; 拍那份电报花了多少钱? how much did the telegram cost? 这两座城市之间的电报业务已经中断。 the telegraph has been cut between the two cities.; 电报 (表格)纸 telegraph form; 电报传送 telegraph transmission; 电报传送图像 pantelegraphy; 电报代码 telegraphic code; 电报电路 telegraph circuit; 电报费 cable charge; 电报分配器 telegraph distributor; 电报符号表 telegraph alphabet; 电报干扰 [讯] telegraph interference; 电报挂号 cable [telegraphic] address; 电报机 telegraph; 电报局 telegraph office; 电报码 telegraph code; 电报确认(书) cable confirmation; 电报失真 telegraph distortion; 电报通信 telegraph communication [correspondence]; 电报通信网 telegraph network; 电报通信系统 telegraph communication system; 电报通知 cable advice; 电报学 telegraphy; 电报业务 telegraphy; 电报译码器 telegraph translator