

  • excessive delay of messages
  • 电报:    telegram; cable; telegraph; ...
  • 严重:    serious; grave; grievous; cr ...
  • 延误:    delay; incur loss through de ...
  • 重延:    shigenobu
  • 延误:    delay; incur loss through delay; fail because of procrastination 延误时机 miss an opportunity because of a delay; 延误时日 lose time; 马上做, 不得延误 ! do it without (any) delay


        电报:    telegram; cable; telegraph; ...
        严重:    serious; grave; grievous; cr ...
        延误:    delay; incur loss through de ...
        重延:    shigenobu
        延误:    delay; incur loss through delay; fail because of procrastination 延误时机 miss an opportunity because of a delay; 延误时日 lose time; 马上做, 不得延误 ! do it without (any) delay
        多重延迟:    multitadelay
        多重延时:    multitadelay
        严重:    serious; grave; grievous; critical 严重关头 critical juncture; 病情严重 be seriously ill; 他的病很严重。 his illness was a severe one.; 严重程度 order of severity; 严重错误 gross error; 严重过失 aggravated negligence; serious misconduct; 严重后果 serious consequences; 严重警告 serious warning; 严重亏损 heavy losses; 严重伤害 grievous injury; 严重伤亡事故 casualty; 严重失效 serious failure; 严重失业地区 substantial-unemployment area; 严重失职 gross neglect of duty; 严重损害 grievous injury; 严重违法行为 outrage; 严重违约 serious breach of contract; 严重猥亵罪 gross indecency; 严重罪行 grave crime
        (航班)延误:    delayed
        延误,耽搁:    hold up
        延误的:    delayed; overdue
        延误费:    cost of delays; costs of delay
        电报:    telegram; cable; telegraph; message 打电报 send a telegram; dispatch a telegram; 传真电报 photo telegram; photo telegraph; photogram; facsimile telegraph; 公事电报 official telegram; 国际电报 international telegram; 国内电报 inland telegram; 国外电报 foreign cable; 加急电报 urgent telegram; express telegram; 密码电报 cipher telegram; 明码电报 plain code telegram; 书信电报 letter telegram; 无线电报 radiogram; radiotelegram; 无线电传真电报 photoradiogram; 新闻电报 press cable; 用户电报 teles; 有线电报 wire telegram; telegram; message; 电传打字电报 teletape; 译电报 decode a telegram; 拍那份电报花了多少钱? how much did the telegram cost? 这两座城市之间的电报业务已经中断。 the telegraph has been cut between the two cities.; 电报 (表格)纸 telegraph form; 电报传送 telegraph transmission; 电报传送图像 pantelegraphy; 电报代码 telegraphic code; 电报电路 telegraph circuit; 电报费 cable charge; 电报分配器 telegraph distributor; 电报符号表 telegraph alphabet; 电报干扰 [讯] telegraph interference; 电报挂号 cable [telegraphic] address; 电报机 telegraph; 电报局 telegraph office; 电报码 telegraph code; 电报确认(书) cable confirmation; 电报失真 telegraph distortion; 电报通信 telegraph communication [correspondence]; 电报通信网 telegraph network; 电报通信系统 telegraph communication system; 电报通知 cable advice; 电报学 telegraphy; 电报业务 telegraphy; 电报译码器 telegraph translator
        罢工延误险:    strike delay insurance
        班机延误:    flight delay
        避免延误:    avoid delay
        不当延误:    undue delay
        不得延误:    without delay
        操作延误:    operating delays
        传输延误:    delay in transmission
        到货延误:    cargo delayed
        工程延误:    delayed works
        航程延误:    delay of voyage
        合理延误:    reasonable delay
        回应延误:    answer delay


  1. "电报选择器"英文
  2. "电报学"英文
  3. "电报学习生"英文
  4. "电报讯号"英文
  5. "电报讯号失真"英文
  6. "电报延迟"英文
  7. "电报业务"英文
  8. "电报业务股"英文
  9. "电报业务量"英文
  10. "电报业务通信"英文


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