

发音:   用"电影录音"造句
  • cinefilm sound recording
  • film recording
  • motion picture recording


  1. Measurement methods of a - chain and b - chain electro - acoustic frequency response of motion - picture control rooms , review rooms and indoor theatres


        电影:    film; movie; motion picture
        录音:    sound recording; film record ...
        电影录音机:    cinefilm sound recorder; film sound recorder
        电影录音磁片:    motion picture sound recording magnetic film
        电影录音底片:    sound recording film
        电影录音剪辑:    highlights of a live recording of a film
        电影录音设备:    film graph; filmgraph
        电视电影录音设备:    tv-film sound recording equipment
        电影录音摄像机:    film sound camera
        电影录音摄影机:    sound camera
        电影录音系统和设备:    film recording systems
        摄影录音:    photographic recording; photographic sound recording
        摄影录音机:    photographic sound recordor
        电影录声:    motion-picture recording
        电影录声系统:    motion picture sound recording system
        单通道电影录声系统:    monophonic sound motion picture recording system
        新上市的电影录像带。:    video release
        〔美国〕【电影】录音技师。:    sound recordist
        电影胶片录音设备:    filmgraph
        全胶带录音电影摄影机:    sound tape movie camera
        录音:    sound recording; film recording◇录音报告 tape-recorded speech [report]; taped speech; 录音车 recording van [car]; 录音磁带文库tape library;录音磁带纸[材料] magnetic recording paper; 录音磁头 magnetic recording head; 录音打字 audiotyping; 录音带 magnetic tape; tape; audio tape; 录音电话机 telegraphone; 录音电平 [电子学] recording level; 录音放大器 recording amplifier; 录音机 (tape) recorder; [电子学] recording machine; phonographic recorder; sound recorder; sound-recording apparatus; sound-track engraving apparatus; 录音技师 sound recordist; sound engineer; 录音胶片 recording film; 录音教材 recorded materials; taped materials; 录音镜头 objective lense for sound recording camera; 录音棚 sound-recording studio; 录音片 phonogram; 录音摄像机 sound camera; 录音设备 sound pick-up outfit; voice recording equipment; 录音师 mixer; 录音室 recording room; 录音头 audiohead; recording head; 录音效率 charge factor; 录音新闻 news reports with live recordings; 录音员 recordist; pancake turner; 录音针 cutting stylus; 录音资料馆 sound archives
        萍踪侠影录:    chronicles of the shadow swordman
        清宫剑影录-上集:    the sword of the palace
        清宫剑影录-下集:    the sword of the palace
        电影:    film; movie; motion picture 电影在 ... 放映 the film is on at ...; the film is showing at ...; 放映电影 show a film; 拍摄电影 shoot a film; 去看电影 go to the cinema; go to [and] see a film; go to the films; go to the movies; attend the movies; 变形镜头式宽银幕电影 cinema scope; 彩色电影 colour film; 黑白电影 black-and-white film; 宽银幕电影 wide-screen film; 立体电影 stereoscopic film; 全景式宽银幕电影 cinerama; 无声电影 silent film; 有声电影 sound film; 遮幅式宽银幕电影 superscope; 电影迷 a movie fan; 电影明星 a movie star; 色情电影 blue movies; 儿童电影 movies of children; 让我们去看电影, 换换口味。 let's see a movie for a change. 电影结束了, 剧院里的人就走空了。 the theater emptied when the movie ended.; 电影标准片[测试片] test film; 电影布景 filmset; 电影道具制作 movie-property making; 电影底片 motion picture negative; 电影短片 filmlet; 电影发行公司 film distribution corporation; 电影放映 motion picture projection; 电影放映机 film [motion picture] projector; kinetoscope;电影放映室 projector room; 电影放映员 cinematographer; 电影复制片 duplicating film; 电影工作者 film [cinema] worker; 电影观众 filmgoer; 电影馆 cinematheque; 电影化妆技术 film make-up technique; 电影回顾展 film retrospective; 电影机械 motion picture machinery; 电影技术 motion picture technique; 电影剪辑机 editola; 电影胶卷 cinestrip; 电影胶片 filmstrip; 电影界[行业] filmdom; 电影拷贝 film copy; 电影控制器 movieola; 电影录音 cinefilm sound recording; 电影录音机 cinefilm sound recorder; 电影录音设备 filmgraph; 电影美学 cinema aesthetics; 电影迷 filmnik; cinephile; 电影内景照明 interior lighting; 电影片 movie film; 电影切片机 film slitter; 电影全息照相 cine-holography; 电影摄像 [电子学] motion picture pickup; 电影摄像机 film camera; 电影摄像设备 film camera equipment; 电影摄影 process photography; 电影摄影场 film studio; 电影摄影机 [光学] (motion) picture camera; cine [movie] camera; kinetocamera; 电影摄影师 cinematographer; 电影摄影学 cinematography; 电影市场 film market; 电影特技 film trick; 电影外景照明 exterior lighting; 电影洗片机 film processing apparatus; 电影显微术 cinemicroscopy; 电影显影机 motion picture developing machine; 电影小说(作)家 (film) novelist; 电影学 filmology; 电影演员 film actor [actress]; 电影艺术 cinematographic art; 电影银幕字幕 subtitle; 电影预告(片) preview; 电影院 movie (house); cinema; movie theatre; 电影展览 film exhibition; 电影招待(会) film reception; 电影照相术 cinematography; 电影制片 motion picture production; 电影制片厂 film studio



  1. "电影临时演员同业公会"英文
  2. "电影另类片"英文
  3. "电影六分仪跟踪望远镜"英文
  4. "电影录声"英文
  5. "电影录声系统"英文
  6. "电影录音磁片"英文
  7. "电影录音底片"英文
  8. "电影录音机"英文
  9. "电影录音剪辑"英文
  10. "电影录音摄像机"英文


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