Movie screens took over the stages for audiences who were hungry for this new kind of entertainment 电影屏幕替换了表演舞台给想要看到这个新的娱乐的观众。
In figure 1 , notice the title of the movie player s window , as well as the custom logo above the cinema screen 请注意图1中电影播放器窗口的标题,以及电影屏幕上的定制logo 。
Place the light under , or above , so the light spreads out over it giving a diffused effect illuminating it , a bit like a movie screen 将灯放置在上方或下方,灯光照在画上,光线四散开来,有一种散光效果,有一点像一幅电影屏幕。
As there is more etheric grid work , the holes in one ' s waking movie screen fill in , and less of one ' s dream is broadcast onto the unconscious leading to greater possibility of expression in one ' s current physical life 当以太晶格层更多时,在你醒着时的电影屏幕的漏洞被弥补,更少梦想进入无意识,带来当前物理生命中更多的表达可能。
电影: film; movie; motion picture屏幕: screen不要到电影屏幕: don‘t look up to your movie screens; look uto your movie screens后投影屏幕: rear projection screen投影屏幕: projection screen粗面投影屏幕: white matt projection screen背景屏幕 后投影屏幕: rearprojectionscreen半透明投影屏幕: translucent projection screen; translucentprojectionscreen内窥镜胶片投影屏幕观察器: screen viewer for endoscopic film投影屏: projection screen纹影屏: schieren optical screen; schlieren optical screen屏幕: screen 电视屏幕 telescreen; screen; the television screen; 在屏幕上放映 show on the screen测角投影屏: protractor screen立体投影屏: three-dimensional projection screen图形投影屏: chart screen阴影屏蔽: shadow shield坐标投影屏: chart screen座标投影屏: chart screen检像镜投影屏: finder screen毛玻璃投影屏: ground glass screen电影: film; movie; motion picture 电影在 ... 放映 the film is on at ...; the film is showing at ...; 放映电影 show a film; 拍摄电影 shoot a film; 去看电影 go to the cinema; go to [and] see a film; go to the films; go to the movies; attend the movies; 变形镜头式宽银幕电影 cinema scope; 彩色电影 colour film; 黑白电影 black-and-white film; 宽银幕电影 wide-screen film; 立体电影 stereoscopic film; 全景式宽银幕电影 cinerama; 无声电影 silent film; 有声电影 sound film; 遮幅式宽银幕电影 superscope; 电影迷 a movie fan; 电影明星 a movie star; 色情电影 blue movies; 儿童电影 movies of children; 让我们去看电影, 换换口味。 let's see a movie for a change. 电影结束了, 剧院里的人就走空了。 the theater emptied when the movie ended.; 电影标准片[测试片] test film; 电影布景 filmset; 电影道具制作 movie-property making; 电影底片 motion picture negative; 电影短片 filmlet; 电影发行公司 film distribution corporation; 电影放映 motion picture projection; 电影放映机 film [motion picture] projector; kinetoscope;电影放映室 projector room; 电影放映员 cinematographer; 电影复制片 duplicating film; 电影工作者 film [cinema] worker; 电影观众 filmgoer; 电影馆 cinematheque; 电影化妆技术 film make-up technique; 电影回顾展 film retrospective; 电影机械 motion picture machinery; 电影技术 motion picture technique; 电影剪辑机 editola; 电影胶卷 cinestrip; 电影胶片 filmstrip; 电影界[行业] filmdom; 电影拷贝 film copy; 电影控制器 movieola; 电影录音 cinefilm sound recording; 电影录音机 cinefilm sound recorder; 电影录音设备 filmgraph; 电影美学 cinema aesthetics; 电影迷 filmnik; cinephile; 电影内景照明 interior lighting; 电影片 movie film; 电影切片机 film slitter; 电影全息照相 cine-holography; 电影摄像 [电子学] motion picture pickup; 电影摄像机 film camera; 电影摄像设备 film camera equipment; 电影摄影 process photography; 电影摄影场 film studio; 电影摄影机 [光学] (motion) picture camera; cine [movie] camera; kinetocamera; 电影摄影师 cinematographer; 电影摄影学 cinematography; 电影市场 film market; 电影特技 film trick; 电影外景照明 exterior lighting; 电影洗片机 film processing apparatus; 电影显微术 cinemicroscopy; 电影显影机 motion picture developing machine; 电影小说(作)家 (film) novelist; 电影学 filmology; 电影演员 film actor [actress]; 电影艺术 cinematographic art; 电影银幕字幕 subtitle; 电影预告(片) preview; 电影院 movie (house); cinema; movie theatre; 电影展览 film exhibition; 电影招待(会) film reception; 电影照相术 cinematography; 电影制片 motion picture production; 电影制片厂 film studio 标准速度增感影屏: parspeed intensifying screenslcd屏幕: lcd screen磁屏幕: magnetic screen大屏幕: large screen