电: electricity弹性: elasticity; resilience; spri ...能: ability; capability; skill导电弹性体: conductive elastomer导电-非导电弹性体块: zebra block弹性能: elastic energy resilience; elastic strain energy; energy elasticity; resiliency磁弹性能: magnetoelastic energy磁致弹性能: magnetoelastic energy; magnetoelasticenergy弹性能量: elastic energy导弹性能图: missile performance envelope高弹性能: elastomeric property回弹性能: resilience; resillency临界弹性能: critical elastic energy位错弹性能: elastic energy of dislocation粘弹性能: viscoelastic property; viscoplastic property滞弹性能: anelastic behaviour滞弹性性能: anelastic behavior弹性能量降级: elastic energy degradation弹性能量密度: elastic energy density闪电弹: charged bolt飞弹性能监控系统: missile performance monitoring system (mpms)毛细管弹性能改正: elastic energy correction in capillary断电弹簧: spring to break性能: function (of a machine, etc.); performance; property; nature; [中医] property and action 飞机性能 airplane characteristics; 反应堆性能 reactor behaviour; 金属的性能 metal properties; 性能优良 high performance; 这种机器性能良好。 this kind of machine performs satisfactorily. 你对你的新车的性能满意吗? are you satisfied with the performance of your new car无线电弹道追踪: electrical trajectory tracing