电子: electron级: level; rank; grade水电: hydroelectricity; hydropower ...阻: block; hinder; impede; obstr ...率: rate; ratio; proportion的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...测试: test; testing; checkout; mea ...方法: method; means; way; techniqu ...电子级水中总有机碳的测试方法: test method for total organic carbon in electronic grade water电子级水测试方法通则: generic rules for test methods of electronic grade water导电材料电阻率的测试方法: standard test method for resistivity of electrical软磁性合金电阻率的测试方法: standard test method for electrical resistivity of soft magnetic alloys金属导体电阻与接触材料的电阻率的测试方法: standard test method for resistivity of电子级水中微粒的仪器测试方法: test method for particles in electronic grade water by instrument电子级水中二氧化硅的分光光度测试方法: test method for si2o in electronic grade water by spectrophotometer电子级水中细菌总数的滤膜培养测试方法: test method for total bacterial count in electronic grade water by membrane filters电阻合金的热电功率的测试方法: standard test method for thermoelectric power of锑化铟单晶电阻率及霍耳系数的测试方法: test method for resistivity and hall coefficient indium antimonide single crystals电阻常数的测试方法: standard test method for导电和抗静电橡胶电阻率的测定方法: conducting and antistatic rubber-determination of resistivity电子级水: electronic grade water恒温双金属横向弯曲率的测试方法: standard test method for cross curvature of炭精耐火材料导热率的测试方法: standard test method for thermal conductivity of carbon refractories卫生陶瓷粘土的过滤速率的测试方法: standard test method for filtration rate of ceramic whiteware clays硬质合金表观孔隙率的测试方法: standard test method for apparent porosity in