Our professionally attorneys are able to provide very effective , high - quality service regarding applications for patents and trademarks , litigations , and the handling of invalidation cases . in addition , legal support from former experts of the sipo , the members of the patent reexamination board and the trademark review adjudication board , and from the beijing intermediate peoples court and the beijing higher peoples court make it easy for us to handle sophisticated cases 我们的团队以数名从事二十余年知识产权工作的资深专利代理人商标代理人和知识产权律师为核心,以数十名通讯机械电子生物化学等专业领域的高级专利工程师为骨干,以国家知识产权局专利局专利复审委员会退休领导和专家为依托,确保高水准的服务品质。