Ecc - cu control unit electronically controlled carburetor control unit 电子控制的化油器控制装置
Ecc electronically controlled carburetor 电子控制的化油器
Automatization is namely that the manufacture machine which automated by electron manipulative 自动化指的就是引进电子控制的自动操作的生产机器。
The electronic workpiece acceleration ensures the quality of the decisive start of the rolling process 电子控制的工件驱动装置确保了最开键的滚轧起始阶段的质量。
It links the standard rear differential with a mechanical planetary gear set and an electronically controlled multi - plate clutch for each rear wheel 它在两后轮各以一组行星齿轮组和电子控制的多盘离合器与标准后差速器连结。