电台: transmitter-receiver; transc ...业务: vocational work; professiona ...通信: communication; communicate b ...代: take the place of; be in pla ...字: character; word电台业务通信信号,程序信号: procedure signal海岸电台业务: coastal radio station service字母e的无线电通信代字: easy业务通信: service communication; service correspondence电报业务通信: telegraph service communication业务通信电路: service circuit业务通信系统: service communication system飞行业务通信系统: flight service communication system辅助通信业务通道: subsidiary communications authorization channel业务通信增音机: service communication repeater银行业务通信系统: bcs banking communication system综合业务通信网: integrated service network港口通讯, 海岸电台业务, 港口业务: harbour service秘书台业务: secretary station service电传机交换业务通信系统: twxsystem银行业务通信系统,金融通信系统: bcs banking communication system公用通信代理: common communication proxy公务通信,勤务通信: order wire communication业务通话: service call业务通讯: newsletter