The high switching frequency allows the use of small surface - mount capacitors , saving board space and reducing cost 高的开关频率允许选用小的表面陶瓷电容,可节省板级面积、降低成本和减小输出电压纹波。
However , psm also have some disadvantages , for example , the output voltage ripple is large at light load and the system maybe produce radio frequency noise 但psm也具有不可避免的缺点:轻载时输出电压纹波较大,且易引入音频噪声。
The typical performance characteristics include : line and load transient response , efficiency , output voltage ripple , quiescent current , maximum load current , output voltage temperature characteristics and the short 其中,整体仿真指标包括:芯片线性调整率和负载调整率、转换效率、输出电压纹波、芯片静态电流、最大负载电流、输出电压温度特性及短路负载电流。