- under reporting
- 申报: report to a higher body decl ...
- 不足: not enough; insufficient; de ...
- 申报不实的货物: wrongfully declared cargo
- 申报: 1.(向上报告) report to a higher body [organ]2.(向海关申报纳税等) declare sth. (to the customs) 你有什么东西要申报吗? have you anything to declare? 他申报了新买的瑞士表并纳税五英镑。 he declared his new swiss watch and had to pay £.5.; 申报表[单] declaration form; 申报关税 customs declaration; 申报货物 declare goods; 申报价格[价值] declared value; 申报金额 amount declared; 申报失实 misleading declaration; 申报重量 said to weigh
- 报不上名: registration hell