The weevil is a shiny, cylindrical beetle . 象甲科害虫是一种发光的圆柱形甲虫。
Study on chrysomelidae for the biological control of weeds 叶甲科昆虫在杂草生防中的研究与利用
Advances in bionomics and control of the nitidulidae coleoptera 露尾甲科昆虫生物学及其防治研究进展
Lagriinae , one of two subfamilies of the family lagriidae , coleoptera , is plenty of species and widely distributed in china 伪叶甲亚科lagriinae是鞘翅目coleoptera伪叶甲科lagriidae的两个亚科之一,在中国分布较广,种较丰富。
The tribe opatrini , belonging to the family tenbrionidae , is of great economic importance . since laporte de dastelnau set up the tribe in 1840 , known 82 genera with about 900 species are occupied 土甲族opatrini是重要的农、林、牧业害虫,隶属鞘翅目coleoptera 、拟步甲科tenebrionidae 、拟步甲亚科tenebrioninae 。