由: cause; reason肠: intestines引起: give rise to; lead to; set o ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...疼痛: pain; ache; soreness侧腹的疼痛: stitch剧烈的疼痛: a fierce pain难忍的疼痛: an unbearable pain一颗蛀牙可以引起激烈的疼痛: a bad tooth can cause acute pain心窝处的疼痛: the pain of the epigastrium性的疼痛障碍: sexual pain disorders引起的: induced; resulting愈合缓慢的伤口引起的粘连疼痛: painful adhesions caused by a wound that is slow to heal刺著一般的疼痛: stab感到剧烈的疼痛: suffer acute pain embarrassment remorse etc感到清晰的疼痛: feel a sharpain身体某部位的疼痛: pain of a part of the body他希望祛除膝盖处的疼痛: he hoped to get rid of the pain in what was left of his knee压迫神经产生的疼痛: pain caused by a trapped nerve这药吃后会解除你的疼痛: this medicine will give you release from pain肠疾: bowel disease; intestinal troubles病毒引起的: of or caused by a virus; viral viral波浪引起的: wave-induced地震引起的: seismic发烧引起的: caused by a fever