由: cause; reason我方: our side place; region; loca ...处理: deal or cope with由我方选择: at our option由我方负担的: covered by us废方处理: waste bank treatment呼叫方处理: cph calling party handling塌方处理: collapse treatment【医学】 照方处理 (=as directed)。: e.m.p我方: our side placeregionlocality复方处方: compound recipe我方出: po(purchasing order全不由我: nothingicoulddoaboutit由我出钱: at my expe e; at my expense; it's on me由我决定: free to decide由我世界: uworld由我指挥: charg由我做主: because i said so这次由我付: no let me pay this time其余由我和你: the rest is uto me and you这次由我请客: this is my treat双方处于疆持状态: the two parties have come to a deadlock结欠我方: balance due from you; balance in our favour联络我方: contact us我方存款: nostro deposit; nostrodeposit