Pieces of kubota itchiku , the master who revived the " tsukigahana " symbol of the muromachi period 久保田一竹先生是把日本muromachi时代的绞缬染法" tsujigahana "现代重新复活的。
Again , the yield of mtl reached the maximum within the period of 6 ~ 9 days . moreover , the resistant strain of m . aeruginosa could produce more mtl than the non - resistant strain under the same conditions J回国l硕士学位论又nhcim盯m ’盯见s田一4抗性株与非抗性株对cll ’ ”富积的结果为:培养基中cll ’ ”减少主要发生在24h以前
In the 56 th year of emperor kanghsi s reign of the great ching dynasty ( 1717 ) , chuluo county established ta chiu tien yi pao ( today s huwei , tuku ) here , which was called ta lun chiao because local wavy topography looks like hills 清康熙五十六年一七一七,诸罗县在此设大丘田一堡今虎尾、土库一带,因当地地形起伏如邱陵,故称为大仑脚。
The secretary for health , welfare and food , dr yeoh eng - kiong , today ( september 8 ) asked the social welfare department ( swd ) and the department of health ( dh ) to provide in one week s time a detailed report on the elderly home in ho man tin where an outbreak of gastroenteritis occurred ?生福利及食物局局长杨永强医生今日(九月八日)要求社会福利署(社署)及?生署,在一星期内就何文田一所安老院较早前爆发肠胃炎的事件提交详细报告。