用: 40分钟跑完全程 run the course in 4 ...黑玉: jet装饰: ornament; decorate; set off; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...装饰的: coloured; decorated; decorative (l03); gilded; illuminative; ornamental; ornate装饰的;可作装饰的: decorative半圆装饰的: astragal波纹装饰的: damascene不装饰的: unaffected齿形装饰的: denticular浮雕装饰的: bossy过份装饰的: over decorated华丽装饰的: highly decorated理石装饰的: jetted螺旋装饰的: heliced木叶装饰的: foglie内部装饰的: interior decorating泥浆装饰的: slip-decorated未加装饰的: unadorned- without adornment or embellishment simple or plain未装饰的: plain simple; unadorned; unembellished无装饰的: bald; bare; naked; unvarnished叶形装饰的: foiled用花装饰的: flowered有装饰的: not plain or ordinary unusual有装饰的边: border