用: 40分钟跑完全程 run the course in 4 ...实物: material object in kind; ent ...缴纳: pay的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...遗产税: inheritance tax; death duty; ...用实物缴纳: paying in kind作实物缴纳的税: tax paid in kind实物税,以实物缴纳的税: tax in kind以实物缴纳的什一税: mixed tithe用实物缴税: taxes paid in kind实物缴纳: payinkind用实物交纳的税: tax paid in kind负责缴纳遗产税者: person accountable for an estate duty须缴纳遗产税的财产: property liable to estate duty遗产税: death duties; death duty, death tax; estate tax; inheritance duty; inheritance taxes; legacy dutv; legacy duty; legacy tax/duty; probate duty; settlement duty; settlement estate duty遗产税,地产税: estate tax遗产税, 不动产税: death duty用实物付酬: payment in kind用实物付税: tax in kind用实物纳税: pay taxes in kind用实物说明: demonstrate为某物缴纳进口税: pay customs on sth【英法】遗产税。: death duty豁免遗产税: exemption from estate duty继承税,遗产税: succe ion tax