

  • exert
  • 用力:    exert oneself; put forth one ...
  • 尽力:    do all one can; do sth. to t ...
  • 尽力:    do all one can; do sth. to the best of one's ability; try one's best; do one's utmost; do sth. with all one's might; try one's hardest to do sth.; to the full; as far as possible; all one knows; put one's back into sth.; with all one's energy; at the top of one's voice; to the top of one's bent; take pains in doing sth.; tooth and nail; at full stretch; leave no stones unturned 尽力把损失减少到最小 make the best of a bad job; 尽力克服困难 try one's best to overcome the difficulty; 我们尽力帮助他们。 we'll do our best to help them
  • 用力:    exert oneself; put forth one's strength 用力把门推了一下 give the door a hard push; give a hard push at the door; 用力过度 make too strenuous efforts; overexertion; overstrain
  • 不尽力:    inexertion


        用力:    exert oneself; put forth one ...
        尽力:    do all one can; do sth. to t ...
        尽力:    do all one can; do sth. to the best of one's ability; try one's best; do one's utmost; do sth. with all one's might; try one's hardest to do sth.; to the full; as far as possible; all one knows; put one's back into sth.; with all one's energy; at the top of one's voice; to the top of one's bent; take pains in doing sth.; tooth and nail; at full stretch; leave no stones unturned 尽力把损失减少到最小 make the best of a bad job; 尽力克服困难 try one's best to overcome the difficulty; 我们尽力帮助他们。 we'll do our best to help them
        用力:    exert oneself; put forth one's strength 用力把门推了一下 give the door a hard push; give a hard push at the door; 用力过度 make too strenuous efforts; overexertion; overstrain
        不尽力:    inexertion
        尽力, 耐心:    take pains
        尽力, 用心:    at pains
        尽力,努力:    do one's best; do/try one's best(to v.); do/try ones best; doone' est; tryone' est
        尽力,竭力:    do one’s best
        尽力;一定:    by all means
        尽力地:    at full steam
        尽力干……:    attempt to do = try to do = do one’s best to do
        尽力做:    try one's best
        努力, 尽力:    exert oneself
        努力,尽力:    endeavor; exert oneself to
        拼命, 尽力:    for all one is worth
        努力,用力:    exertion
        使劲, 用力:    straining
        需用力:    force requirement; required force
        用力按:    punch
        用力擦:    scrub vi/vt
        用力搓:    wipe
        用力打:    slug
        用力的:    emphatic
        用力地:    emphatically; perforce


  1. "用粒料稳定的"英文
  2. "用粒子轰击"英文
  3. "用沥青处理"英文
  4. "用沥青铺面"英文
  5. "用力"英文
  6. "用力按"英文
  7. "用力按切脉位"英文
  8. "用力把门扭开"英文
  9. "用力把门推了一下"英文
  10. "用力抱水"英文


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