Use separate chopping boards for cooked and raw products 熟食和生食的菜板应该分开使用。
An increasing number of dog owners whose dogs are started on whole raw foods find that they only need to feed their dogs every second or third day 越来越多的给自己的狗喂食生食的犬主发现他们只要每隔两天甚至三天喂食一次。
7 . if possible , try to prepare some fresh vegetables or juices for your pets , because the high nutrition of raw food makes them healthier and more energetic . the enzymes from raw food also helps their digestion and assimilation 7 .尽可能每天提供一些新鲜的蔬菜或打汁给你的宠物,因为生食营养素高,可使它们更健康更有活力,生食的酵素有助消化吸收。
In this experiment , hbsag ( adw subtype ) was introduced into lettuce ( lactuca sativa ) with the agrobacterium transformation system and biolistic method . we hope to obtain the transgenic lettue with hbsag so that it can be used as edible vaccine 本实验采用农杆菌介导法和基因枪介导法,研究了乙肝表面抗原基因( hbsag )导入可生食的莴苣(生菜) ( lactucasativa )的核基因组和叶绿体基因组,并期望获得转基因莴苣植株,从而建立以莴苣为生物反应器生产可食用的乙肝疫苗。