A rise of the bio - economy and its discussion 生物经济的兴起与商榷
The author holds that the internal and external achievements concerned in researches are focused on the following respects : biotechnology and its aroused bio - economy , the risks and opportunities given rise to because of globalization and biotechnology , biotechnology investment policies and its intellectual property rights " protection , the safety factors of gmos and their management and the international trade of gmos and its rules 笔者认为,与本文有关的国内外研究成果主要集中在以下几个方面:对生物技术及其引发的生物经济的研究上;对全球化与生物技术带来的风险和机遇的研究上;对生物技术投资政策及其知识产权保护的研究上;对转基因农产品安全性及其管理的研究上;对转基因农产品国际贸易及其游戏规则的研究上。