生物: living things; living beings ...特: particular; special; excepti ...徵: a note of the ancient Chines ...护照: passport生物特徵照: biometric passport生物特性: biological nature微生物特性: microbiologic properties; microbiological properties不死生物特质: undead qualities生物特异性柱: biospecific column生物特征识别: medical biometrics生物特性侦察仪: biocharacteristic detector生物特征识别技术: biometrics identification technology微生物特殊染色: special stain for microorganism特徵: characteristics; characyeristic; description; eigen; features; flag; idiom; impress; mark; trait多种生物特色辨认系统: multibiometrics system多种生物特征识别系统: multibiometrics system确定了男人的生物特性: define men biologically护照: passport 公务护照 service passport; 签发护照 issue passport; 签准护照 vise a passport; 拒发护照 withhold passport; 外交护照 diplomatic passport; 向当局申请护照 apply to the authorities for a passport 关于种族的生物特性的建议: proposals on the biological aspects of race生物特征图像识别技术分室: bio- character image recognition technology lab特性,特徵: characteristic特徵,特点: trait特徵标: character theory特徵法: characteristic method特徵理: character theory