It was pointed out that the development direction of biomedical polymer with good physical - mechanical property and biodegradable 指出能够兼顾力学性能和可生物降解性能的生物弹性体是医用生物弹性体的发展方向。
Some novel bioelastomers , especially degradable bioelastomer , including network polyester , polyhydroxyalkanoate , poly ( ether ester ) , polypetide , poly ( ortho ester ) and hydrogel , were reviewed 摘要综述了网络型聚酯、聚羟基烷基酸酯、聚醚酯、聚肽、聚原酸酯和水凝胶等新型生物弹性体的研究进展。
Compared with traditional bioelastomers such as silicone rubber and polyurethane , novel bioelastomers could be designed and constructed flexibly , properties could be adjustable , biodegradability and biocompatibility were good as well as broad application in medical field 新型生物弹性体与传统的生物弹性体(如硅橡胶、聚氨酯等)相比,具有分于结构设计灵活、性能可以调节、可生物降解和生物相容性良好以及医疗应用前景广阔等优点。