Preparation and biological properties of porous chitosan scaffolds 壳聚糖多孔支架的制备与生物学性质
Separation and biological character of 17 metarhizium strains obtained from brontispa longissima corpse 椰心叶甲绿僵菌菌株分离及生物学性质研究
In microbe composition the amount of bacteria was the most , in the next place was that of fungi , and that of actinomycetes was the least 在土壤生物学性质方面,林地土壤细菌、真菌、放线菌和微生物总数均为表层大于底层,细菌占总数的绝大多数,其次为真菌,放线菌最少。
For lactic acid has one asymmetric carbon atom , the mechanical , physical and biological properties of pla are related to the stereochemistry of lactic acids 合成聚乳酸的初始物质乳酸是有手性的分子,使得聚乳酸的机械和物理性能以及生物学性质与乳酸单体的立体异构性有关。
Result shows that the main reason for serious occurrence of pest and disease on street afforestation trees is the deteriorating of the physic - chemical and biological properties of soil 结果表明:土壤物理、化学、生物学性质的恶化是长春市街路树木病虫害严重发生的主要原因。