生活: life中: hit; fit exactly最大: maximum的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...幸福: happiness; well-being是: Semantics坚信: firmly believe爱: love我们: we生活的最大幸福是坚信有人爱我们: the supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. ――hugo爱人和被人爱是人生最大的幸福: to love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.-----sydney smith爱人和得到人爱是人生最大的幸福。: to love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.〖hotline如果没有人爱我们: there is no remedy for love but to love more; we cease loving ourselves if no one loves us我一生最大的幸福: chrno crusade极大的幸福: bliss: great happiness or joy莫大的幸福: the greatest happiness我的幸福生活: my life和“人类的幸福是感觉的”: human happiness is sensuous人类的幸福是感觉的: human happiness is sensuous把痛苦视为生活中最大祸害的人不可能勇敢: no man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of life; or temperate, who regards pleasure as the highest good我们的幸福时光: happy time就是我们职业生涯中最大的战斗: to the biggest battle of our professional lives我生活中最困惑的一天: the most embarrassing day of my life轻便型中最大的船: handy-max算出其中最大的数: x,y