生来: born with就: come near; move towards生来就好的: well born; well-born生来就哑的: mute from birth生来就有: birthright; born to; breed in the bone生来就有的: run in the blood生来就做的: be cut out for他生来就哑: he has been dumb from birth. hoarse生来就有的权利: birthright他生来就有胆量: he has courage in his blood天生的,生来就有的: born生来就是干某事的料: be cut out to be sth生来就说某种语言的人: native speakers水手生来就是为了讲述他的故事: the mariner's bound to tell of his story有许多花儿生来就开著没有人欣赏: many a flower is born to blush unseen生来川: isakawa生来的: connatural; inborn; inbred; indigenous; ingrain; inherent; innate; temperamental生来地: natively固有,生来的: innate固有的,生来的: inherent陌生来电: bell ringer; when a stranger calls去叫医生来: go get a doctor生就的, 生来的: natural-born生来的罪犯: born criminals生来富贵: born with a silver spoon in one's mouth