- vigour vigor
- 生机: lease of life life; vitality
- 蓬勃: vigorous; flourishing; exube ...
- 蓬勃: vigorous; flourishing; exuberant; thriving; full of vitality; going full steam ahead 蓬勃发展 grow vigorously; grow with vigour; develop vigorously; surge forward full of vigour; vigorous; 蓬勃发展的阶段 swing; 新时代的蓬勃气氛 the vibrant atmosphere of a new age; 朝气蓬勃的新社会 a vital new society; 运动正在蓬勃开展。 the movement is developing vigorously
- 生机: lease of life lifevitality
- 去生机: devitalization