An algorithm for connecting non - intersecting line segments into a simple polygon 一种用射影线束族生成曲线的方法
By changing the value of the shape parameter , we can adjust the approaching degree of the curves to their control polygon and manipulate the degree n bezier curves from both sides 通过改变形状参数的取值,可以调整生成曲线从n次b zier曲线的两侧逼近n次b zier曲线。
In the second chapter , a class of polynomial blending functions of degree n + 1 is presented . based on the functions , we present polynomial curves with some shape parameters . the generated curves are similar with the degree n bezier curves 第二章给出一类n + 1次多项式调配函数,并由此构造了带形状参数的多项式曲线,生成曲线具有与n次b zier曲线类似的几何性质。
There are two mainly method for surface rebuild , one is based on three angular bezier surface , the other is b - spline or nurbs surface . the property of b - spline and nurbs curve is introduced and how to generate curve and surface with interpolation is studied 对基于三角bezier曲面和b样条或nurbs曲面的曲面重构进行了论述,介绍了b样条和nurbs曲线曲面特点并对用插值法生成曲线曲面进行了研究。
Computer software system for hydrological data reorganization in irrigated area , which will be in common use , is developed firstly . in this system , the multi - curve ( including simple curve ) fitting equation and its graph can be generated automatically 首次研究开发出多曲线拟合(包括单曲线)自动生成曲线方程和图形的较为通用的灌区水文资料整编计算机软件系统,从而为灌区水文资料整编和管理向现代化方向迈进铺平了道路。
生成: create; generate; produce曲线: curve; curved line生成曲线的轴缘: axial margin of generating curve成曲线形: form a curve合成曲线: resultant curve磨成曲线: milled-in curves烧成曲线: firing curve使成曲线: bend so as to form a line that has no straight part转换成曲线: ctrl q煤层形成曲线: seam formation curve使成曲线进行: swerve将矩形转换成曲线: ctrl+q使球成曲线飞行: curve颗粒组成曲线, 粒度级配曲线: particle size curve曲线生成: curve generation生成截面曲线: create section curve生成物指数曲线: resultant exponential curve由曲线生成片体: sheet from curves合成曲: medley: all the things you are / midnight mood混成曲: pastiche集成曲: medley击球使球成曲线向主要用力手的异侧飞去: pull粒子曲线物体生成器: pspline.zip合成曲面: composite surface集成曲(进行曲): medley(marches)