Water loss and soil erosion is one of the most serious environment problems in china , which has slowed down the social and economic development in some rural areas . in some places of china , it has resulted in the arable degradation , soil desertification , filling up of irrigation works , and the increase of droughts and floods , etc . in consequence , the agricultural condition and ecological environment there become worse and worse . the causes of water loss and soil erosion include both unfavorable natural conditions and irrational land use , such as deforestation for cultivated land use . after analyzing the causes of soil erosion and its harms to the natural environment and human living , the author suggested some strategies for water and soil conservation , such as ecological engineering , reforestation and the application of biological technology 中国是世界上水土流失最严重的国家之一,水土流失已成为我国的头号环境问题.它不仅造成土地资源的破坏,导致农业生产环境恶化,生态平衡失调,水灾旱灾频繁,而且妨碍社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高.从自然条件和人为因素等方面出发,探讨了我国水土流失产生的原因;分析了水土流失对耕地资源、旱涝灾害、水资源利用、经济发展等方面的影响;介绍了水土保持的一些有效途径和措施