Pumc stands for peking union medical college , whose students take pre - medical courses for 2 . 5 years in college of life science , pku , since 1952 , until in 2003 united with tsinghua 曾经,我梦想有一天能进入生命科学院,然而我现在却只能在医学部苦苦挣扎!
The center for international academic exchanges , college of life science ( ls - ciae ) has been established in january , 2007 . the center director is appointed by the dean from the full time professors 生命科学院为促进国际学术交流,于96年1月成立国际学术交流中心,由院长任命院内教授担任中心主任。
" the to which yu hong belongs is the first west eurasian special lineage that has been found in the central part of ancient china , " said zhou hui , head of the dna laboratory of the college of life science at jilin university in changchun , china 中国长春吉林大学,生命科学院dna实验室主任周惠表示,这是首次在古代中国中部发现于宏所属的西部欧亚特殊血统
生命: life; vita; vivi-; bio-; -bi ...科学院: the academy of sciences生命科学学院: school of life science生命科学技术学院: life sciences institute化工与生命科学学院: chemical and life sciences农业和生命科学学院: college of agricultural and life sciences,生命科学与医药学院: life & medical science生命科学: b life sciences life sciences; biology; msc/pgdibioscience; the biological sciences生命科学处: division of life sciences生命科学家: life scientist分子生命科学: m molecular life sciences mmls生命科学大会: assembly of life sciences生命科学导论: introduction à la science de la vie生命科学技术: life science and technology生命科学研究: life science research; research in the life sciences生命科学仪器: life science instruments生命科学中心: research center of life science傅玉发(南洋理工学院生命科学系主任): bruce poh geok huat生命科学院(无研究生授课课程): faculty of life sciences国际生命科学会: international life sciences institute化学与生命科学: chemical and life sciences化学与生命科学系: school of chemical & life sciences生命科学产品公司: life science products co生命科学的应用: theapplicationofthegene science生命科学关连仪器: life-science related instruments