生: give birth to; bear就: come near; move towards有: 5年 fifteen years一: one只: single; lonely眼: eye瞎: become blind了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...一只眼瞎的: boss eyed他瞎了一只眼: he is blind of one eye她生下来就住那: she's been living there since her birth她生下来就住那儿: she's been living there since her birth他右眼瞎了: he is blind in the right eye一只眼: lend me an eye孩子一生下来就得了金葡菌感染烫伤样: ssss自打我生下来就没人管得了我: since i was born they couldn′t hold me down生来就有: birthright; born to; breed in the bone生来就有的: run in the blood一只眼闭一只眼: dj jerry remix睁一只眼闭一只眼: eyes half shut闭一只眼: i’ll pretend i didn’t see that睁一只眼: i’ll pretend i didn’t see that生下来时: at birth两只眼比一只眼强: two eyes can see more than one一只眼睛失明: be blind in one eye