甘: pleasant; sweet陶: kiln a word used in person's ...河: river本陶河: benta patak; benta-patak柴尔陶河: cserta劳伊陶河: lajta卢明陶河: lumintao river施瓦陶河: schwartau斯卡夫陶河口: skaftaros甘特: gandt; gante; gantt chart; gunter; kanth甘糖苷: mannoside甘特(图表)设计的: gantt chart甘唐基: kantaunggyi甘特,亨利: gantt, henry甘棠遗爱: remembrance of somebody's love is like a sweet pear -- said of a kind official.; sweet memories left behind by a popular official after his retirement; the memory left behind by a virtuous and capable official甘特步进图: gantt chart甘棠第: dr. sun yat-sen museum甘特尔: gantell; ganter甘棠: gantang