The nobel prize in chemistry : henri moissan 诺贝尔化学奖-亨利莫瓦桑
1906 henri moissan france 1906年亨利莫瓦桑法国
After learning the convenient method and applying for initiation , mr . srinivasan also said that he wished to write a book on holy mother ching hai , including relevant quotes from the hindu scriptures 斯里尼瓦桑先生后来也学了方便法,并进一步报名印心。随后他表示,希望将来能引用印度经典,撰写一本有关清海圣母的书。
Another guest attracted to the booth was mr . m . a . srinivasan , author of several books on indian spirituality , who said , for each of masters words can be found a proof in the vast treasure of indias holy scriptures 曾写过数本关于印度灵修书籍的作家斯里尼瓦桑m . a . srinivasan叁观我们的摊位后表示:清海无上师的教理,每句话都可以在印度浩瀚的经典中找到印证。
瓦: tile; put tiles on a roof; c ...桑: white mulberry; mulberry a s ...巴瓦桑: bavasan波瓦桑: povoacao博瓦桑: beauvoisin布瓦桑: boissan鲁瓦桑: roisin莫瓦桑: henri moissan; mauvoisin穆瓦桑: henri moissan; moisand; moisant; moysan瓦桑堡: le bourg d'oisans; le bourg-d'oisans瓦桑德: vasander瓦桑蒂: vasanti瓦桑山: oisuns瓦瓦桑: wawashan阿尔瓦桑: albasan阿尔瓦桑斯: albasanz; alvarsanz奥乔瓦桑杜: otjovasandu巴尔瓦桑: barbasan玻瓦桑病毒: powassan virus布瓦桑弗雷: boisanfray布瓦桑热: boisanger; boissanger布瓦桑特: boisante弗鲁瓦桑: froissant亨利莫瓦桑: henri moissan旧波瓦桑: povoacao velha