纳: receive; admit托: support from under历史: history; past records及: reach; come up to周围: around; about; round; on eve ...矿藏: mineral deposits Buddhist or ...历史名城: famous historical city; the city in history历史名城梅克内斯: historic city of meknes历史名城特罗吉尔: historic city of trogir历史名城托莱多: historic city of toledo历史名城托雷多: historic city of toledo城墙围绕的历史名城昆卡: historic walled town of cuenca瓜纳华托历史城镇及其银矿: historic town of guanajuato and its silver mines巴凯尔哈特清真寺历史名城: historic mosque city of bagerhat赖迈尔斯堡矿和戈斯拉尔历史名城城: mines of rammelsberg and historic town of goslar历史名人: great names in history历史名胜: historical site历史名园: historic garden; historical garden and park岭南历史名人: historic celebrities外国历史名将: exe( 1,073,k)中国历史名将: exe( 615,k)历史文化名城: historic city多根及周围神经炎: polyradiculoneuritis景观与历史名胜: scenic spots and historical sites蓝恩号历史名舰: s.s. lane victory