纳: receive; admit巴: hope earnestly; wait anxious ...拉: cut; slash; slit钢铁公司: iron and steel company瓜纳巴拉: guanabara瓜纳巴拉湾: guanabara b. de; guanabara, b. de瓜纳巴拉州电话公司: cetel; estadual de tels. da gb. cia瓜纳巴拉州开发公司: compania de fomento del estado de guanabara; copeg瓜纳巴拉州自来水公司: cedag; estadual de aguas da guanabara cia; estadual de aguas da guanabara, cia钢铁公司: iron & steel corp. ltd; iron and steel company; iscor; steelco埃及钢铁公司: egyptian iron and steel company鞍山钢铁公司: anshan iron and steel company巴思钢铁公司: bath iron works corp巴西钢铁公司: companhia siderurgica nacional; csn包头钢铁公司: baotou iron and steel company宝山钢铁公司: baoshan iron and steel company本溪钢铁公司: benxi iron and steel company昌和钢铁公司: chang hwa steel co., ltd川崎钢铁公司: ksc纯德钢铁公司: soon duk steel co., ltd大昌钢铁公司: dae chang metal co., ltd大东钢铁公司: dae dong steel co., ltd大韩钢铁公司: dae han metal co. ltd大湖钢铁公司: great lakes steel corp大盛钢铁公司: dae sung steel co., ltd