We should reinforce ourselves to have an undisturbed and a non - deluded mind while practicing the four foundations of mindfulness according to the teachings of the yogacaryabhumi sastra and the mahaprajnaparamita sastra 平常用《瑜伽师地论》的法门、用《大智度论》的法门修四念处的时候,就是这样要求自己!
师: teacher; master地: the earth论: The Analects of Confucius瑜伽师地论释: being a commentary on it by jinaputra tr. by xuanzang瑜珈师地论: yogacarabhumi-sastra伽师: faizabad; jiashi; peyziwat county瑜伽: ashtanga; hatha; yoga; yogilates伽师县: peyziwat county地论宗: school of the treatise on the bhūmis; stages sect认知场地论: cognitive field theory; cognitivefield theoryy大瑜伽: mahayoga流瑜伽: hatha vinyasa flow yoga; vinyasa flow yoga热瑜伽: bikram yoga; hot yoga王瑜伽: raja yoga业瑜伽: karma yoga阴瑜伽: yin yoga瑜伽部: yoga tantra瑜伽地: yogacarabhumi-sastra瑜伽垫: yuga mat瑜伽馆: power-yoga瑜伽经: yoga sutra瑜伽论: the other ten are瑜伽派: the yoga school; yoga瑜伽士: yogi nal yor wa美国土地论坛: american land forum