琢磨: carve and polish improve; po ...出: used as a complement办法: method; means; measure; quom ...琢磨出: lay 1; puzzle out; spell out琢磨出,搞清楚: figure out这个办法: approve of the idea of a coordinated blow计算出;琢磨出,领会出: figure out这个办法要得: that's a good idea这个办法要得!: That's a good idea!理清楚头绪,琢磨出答案: connect the dots拼写出;琢磨出;清楚地说明: spell out必须得想个办法: something must be done about it这不失为一个办法: this after all is one way of doing it总要有一个办法: one way or the other总有条路(总有个办法): there is always a way也许这个办法会有效: maybe it will work琢磨: 琢磨turn sth. over in one's mind; ponder 琢磨出个办法 figure out a way; 琢磨问题 turn a problem over in one's mind两个办法都试了试但没有成功: both plans have been tried but without success这个办法很好各地可以仿照办理: this is a good method. it might well be adopted by other localities决议决定用这个办法解决那个复杂的问题: it's resolved by resolution that the solution will be used to solve the involved problem磨出面: rubbed finish碾磨出: produce in a mill办法: method; means; measure; quomodo; road; way 土办法 native [indigenous; local] methods; 采取有效的办法来改进工作 adopt [take] effective measures to improve one's work崎琢磨: takumasakzazki使琢磨: purify