Copy of claused delivery receipt , or damage exception report from carrier forwarder tally report to the same effect copy of notice of claim against carrier forwarder and their reply , if any 加有损失情况批注的收货回单,承运人货代签发的货物损坏遗失报告记载有货物损坏遗失的理货报告
Obtain damage exception report from carrier forwarder or tally report from tally company to the same effect ; or mark damage exception on the delivery receipt at the time of delivery ; immediately put notice of claim on carrier forwarder within the time limit set out in the contract of carriage 从承运人货代处取得货物损坏遗失报告或从理货公司处取得记载有货物损坏遗失的理货报告或在收货时在收货回单上就损坏遗失情况加以批注