

发音:   用"理血药"造句
  • drugs for regulating blood conditions
  • drugsforregulatingbloodconditions
  • 理血:    regulate blood condition,inc ...
  • :    medicine; drug; remedy
  • 理血:    [中医] regulate blood condition, including its generation; circulation and removal of stasis◇理血剂 blood-regulating prescription; 理血药 blood-regulating drug
  • 血药:    mp50; warfarin
  • 理血法:    regulating blood method


        理血:    regulate blood condition,inc ...
        :    medicine; drug; remedy
        理血:    [中医] regulate blood condition, including its generation; circulation and removal of stasis◇理血剂 blood-regulating prescription; 理血药 blood-regulating drug
        血药:    mp50; warfarin
        理血法:    regulating blood method
        理血剂:    blood-regulating recipes
        薄血药:    warfarin
        补血药:    a hematic tonic; antianemic; blood tonic; haematic tonic; hematic antanemic; hematinic; hematonic; hematopoietic drug; hematopoietica; hemopoietcis, hematipoiectics, hematics; hemopoietics
        活血药:    drugs used to activate blood flow
        凉血药:    blood cooling drugs; blood-cooling drugs; drugs for cooling blood
        凝血药:    [医学] coagulant
        破血药:    potent drug for removing blood stasis
        血药峰:    cmax
        造血药:    hematopoietic; hemopoietic
        止血药:    anastaltic; anthemorrhagic; antihemorrhagic; astringent; haemostat; hemostatic drug; hemostyptic; hemostypties, hemostatics; i00a; styptic
        酵母多糖处理血清:    zymosan-treated serum
        热处理血浆部分:    heat-treated plasma fraction
        补血的, 补血药:    antanemic
        补益气血药:    drugs for tonifying qi and blood
        促凝血药:    coagulant
        减充血药:    decongestant drug
        解充血药:    decongestant
        局部止血药:    local hemostatic; topical hemostatic
        抗凝血药:    anticoagulant drugs
        抗贫血药:    antianemic agents


  1. "理学院"英文
  2. "理学院地理环境资源学系"英文
  3. "理血"英文
  4. "理血法"英文
  5. "理血剂"英文
  6. "理衙"英文
  7. "理雅"英文
  8. "理雅各"英文
  9. "理研"英文
  10. "理研产业公司"英文


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