理: texture; grain查: hawthorn; haw a surname德: virtue; morals; moral charac ...蒂: the base of a flower or frui ...理查德罗伯茨: richard roberts理查德罗厄尔: rowell richard理查德罗杰斯: richard rogers理查德罗森伯格: richard m. rosenberg理查德: (chris richard ); concerto antico for guitar and small orchestra; keith richards; richard brinsley sheridan; richard burton; richard cory; richard layard; richard leeks; richard nixon; richard strauss; richard wright德罗蒂: derotti安理查德: ann richards好人理查德: bon homme richard; bonhomme richard基思理查德: keith richards昆廷-理查德森,: quentin richardson理查德-金士顿: richard kingson理查德e泰勒: richard e. taylor理查德路易斯沃克: richard louis walker理查德鲁什: richard rush理查德马丁: richard martin理查德刘易斯: richard lewis理查德马克: dick macke; richard macke理查德林克莱特: richard linklater